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Kingston Estate Planning Inquiry

Kingston Estate Planning Inquiry Closed - Appeal Awaiting Decision 

Site: Land to the west of Wood Lane and Stocking Lane, Kingston Estate, Gotham 

Proposal: Installation of renewable energy generating solar farm comprising ground-mounted photovoltaic solar arrays, together with substation, inverter stations, security measures, site access, internal access tracks and other ancillary infrastructure, including landscaping and biodiversity enhancements

Planning inspectorate reference: APP/P3040/W/23/3329235

Rushcliffe Borough Council reference: 22/00319/FUL

The planning appeal inquiry will take place on 21 May 2024. Schedule for four sitting days and will be held at Rushcliffe Arena, Rugby Road, West Bridgford, NG2 7YG.

Inquiry Timetable 


CD1 - Application Documents and Plans

CD2 - Committee Report and Decision Notice

CD3 - National Planning Policy, Guidance and Legislation

CD4 - The Development Plan, Local Policy and Guidance

CD5 - Relevant Appeal Decisions and Case Law

CD6 - Planning Application Consultation Responses

CD7 - Planning Appeal Documents



CD1 - Application Documents and Plans

CD1.1 Application Form, dated 11 February 2022

CD1.2 Design and Access Statement, dated 7 February 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.3 Planning Statement, dated 7 February 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.4 Statement of Community Involvement, prepared by RES

CD1.5 Site Location Plan (Drawing Number 04533-RES-LAY-DR-PT-001 Rev 02), prepared by RES

CD1.6 Site Location Map (Drawing Number 04533-RES-LAY-DR-PT-002 Rev 02), prepared by RES

CD1.7 Field Numbers (Drawing Number NEO00763/002I/A), dated 17 November, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.8A Site Layout Plan (Drawing Number 04533-RES-LAY-DR-XX-001 Rev 05), prepared by RES

CD1.8B Site Layout Plan (Drawing Number 04533-RES-LAY-DR-XX-001 Rev 06), prepared by RES

CD1.8C Site Layout Plan (Drawing Number 04533-RES-LAY-DR-XX-001 Rev 07), prepared by RES

CD1.9A Infrastructure Layout (Drawing Number 04533-RES-LAY-DR-XX-002 Rev 02), prepared by RES

CD1.9B Infrastructure Layout (Drawing Number 04533-RES-LAY-DR-XX-002 Rev 04), prepared by RES

CD1.10 Access Track Detail (Drawing Number 04533-RES-ACC-DR-PT-001 Rev 01), prepared by RES

CD1.11 Typical Temporary Construction Compound Layout & Elevations (Drawing Number 04533-RES-CTN-DR-CO-001 Rev 02), prepared by RES

CD1.12 Typical PV Module and Rack Detail (Drawing Number 04533-RES-SOL-DR-PT-001 Rev 01), prepared by RES

CD1.13 Typical Security Fence Detail (Drawing Number 04533-RES-SEC-DR-PT-001 Rev 03), prepared by RES

CD1.14 Typical Security CCTV Detail (Drawing Number 04533-RES-SEC-DR-PT-002 Rev 04), prepared by RES

CD1.15 Typical Solar Farm Substation Detail (Inverter) (Drawing Number 04533-RES-SUB-DR-PT-001 Rev 02), prepared by RES

CD1.16 Client/DNO Substation Plan & Elevation (Drawing Number 04533-RES-SUB-DR-PT-002 Rev 02), prepared by RES

CD1.17 Typical Deer Fence (Drawing Number 04533-RES-SEC-DR-PT-003 Rev 02), prepared by RES

CD1.18 Public Right of Way Section Plans (Drawing Number NEO00763_041I_C Rev D), dated 22 July 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited 

CD1.19 Cumulative Map (Drawing Number NEO00763/050I/A), dated 21 December 2021, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.20 Public Right of Way Plan (Drawing Number NEO00763/011I/A), dated 16 December 2021, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.21 Indicative Access Track Detail with Bridleway Crossing (Drawing Number NEO00763_051I_B Rev B), dated 11 July 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.22 Technical Appendix 1: Landscape Visual Appraisal, dated 7 February 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.22.1 Landscape Character Areas Figure 1.1 (Drawing Number NEO00763/016I/B), dated 21 October 2021, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.22.2 Landscape Designations with Zone of Theoretical Visibility Figure 1.2 (Drawing Number NEO00763/017I/B), dated 21 October 2021, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.22.3 Public Right of Way Plan Figure 1.3 (Drawing Number NEO00763/011I/A), dated 21 December 2021, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited 

CD1.22.4A Viewpoint Locations with Zone of Theoretical Visibility Figure 1.4 (Drawing Number NEO00763/019I/B), dated 21 October 2021, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited 

CD1.22.4B Viewpoint Locations with Zone of Theoretical Visibility Figure 1.4 (Drawing Number NEO00763/019I/B), dated 7 December 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.22.5 Zone of Theoretical Visibility with Woodland Figure 1.5 (Drawing Number NEO00763/040I/A), dated 29 October 2021, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.22.6 Viewpoint 1 (Gotham) and Viewpoint 2 (Near Hillside Farm) (Drawing Number NEO00763/020I/A), dated 7 December 2021, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.22.7 Viewpoint 3 (PRoW South of Wood Lane) and Viewpoint 4 (PRoW Wood Lane at the corner of BW10 & BW11) (Drawing Number NEO00763/021I/A), dated 7 December 2021, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.22.8A Viewpoint 5 (PRoW Near Oak Wood) and Viewpoint 6 (Midshires Way Near Rushcliffe Golf Course) (Drawing Number NEO00763/022I/A), dated 7 December 2021, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.22.8B Viewpoint 5 (PRoW Near Oak Wood) and Viewpoint 6 (Midshires Way Near Rushcliffe Golf Course) (Drawing Number NEO00763/022I/A), dated 21 November 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.22.8C Viewpoint 5 (PRoW Near Oak Wood) and Viewpoint 6 (Midshires Way Near Rushcliffe Golf Course) (Drawing Number NEO00763/022I/B), dated 8 February 2023, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.22.9A Viewpoint 7 (PRoW Fox Hill) and Viewpoint 8 (PRoW Near Grange Farm) (Drawing Number NEO00763/023I/A), dated 7 December 2021, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.22.9B Viewpoint 7 (PRoW Fox Hill) and Viewpoint 8 (PRoW Near Grange Farm) (Drawing Number NEO00763/023I/A), 21 November 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.22.10 Viewpoint 9 (East Leake) and Viewpoint 10 (West Leake) (Drawing Number NEO00763/024I/A), dated 7 December 2021, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.22.11 Viewpoint 4 (PRoW Wood Lane at the corner of BW10 & BW11 year 0 and year 10), dated 7 December 2021, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.22.12A Viewpoint 6 (Midshires Way Near Rushcliffe Golf Course year 0 and year 10), dated 7 December 2021, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.22.12B Viewpoint 6 (Midshires Way Near Rushcliffe Golf Course year 0 and year 10), dated 7 December 2021, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.22.12C Viewpoint 6 (Midshires Way Near Rushcliffe Golf Course year 0 and year 10), dated 7 December 2021, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.22.13 Viewpoint 7 (West Leake year 0 and year 10), dated 7 December 2021, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.22.14A Landscape & Ecology Management Plan (1/3) (Drawing Number NEO00763_047I_C Rev C), dated 27 January 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.22.14B Landscape & Ecology Management Plan (1/3) (Drawing Number NEO00763_047I_D Rev D), dated 15 November 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.22.14C Landscape & Ecology Management Plan (1/3) (Drawing Number NEO00763_047I_E Rev E), dated 8 February 2023, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.22.15A Landscape & Ecology Management Plan (2/3) (Drawing Number NEO00763_048I_C Rev C), dated 27 January 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.22.15B Landscape & Ecology Management Plan (2/3) (Drawing Number NEO00763_048I_D Rev D), dated 15 November 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.22.16A Landscape & Ecology Management Plan (3/3) (Drawing Number NEO00763_049I_C Rev C), dated 27 January 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.22.16B Landscape & Ecology Management Plan (3/3) (Drawing Number NEO00763_049I_D Rev D), dated 15 November 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.22.16C Landscape & Ecology Management Plan (3/3) (Drawing Number NEO00763_049I_E Rev E), dated 8 February 2023, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.23 Technical Appendix 2: Environmental Assessment, dated 7 February 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.23.1 Statutory Environmental Designations Figure 2.1 (Drawing Number NEO00763/005/C), dated 18 November 2021, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.23.2 Pond Map Figure 2.1.1 (Drawing Number NEO00763/007I/B), dated 13 December 2021, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.23.3 Non-Statutory Environmental Designations Figure 2.2 (Drawing Number NEO00763/038I/B), dated 24 November 2021, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.23.4 Habitat Survey Map Figure 2.3 (Drawing Number NEO00763/039I/C), dated 8 December 2021, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.23.5 Appendix 2.1: Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey Report, dated 25 January 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.23.6 Biodiversity Management Plan, dated 3 February 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.23.7A Appendix 2.3 Net Gain Assessment, dated 7 February 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.23.7B Biodiversity Net Gain Addendum, dated 10 February 2023, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.23.8 Bird Hazard Management Plan, dated 20 January 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.24 Technical Appendix 3: Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment, dated 21 December 2021, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.24.1 Designated Heritage Assets Figure 3.1 (Drawing Number NEO00763/005I/B), dated 21 October 2021, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.24.2 Appendix 3B – Tables, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.24.3 Appendix 3C – Plates, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.24.4 Appendix 3D: Geophysical Survey Report Part 1, dated November 2021, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.24.5 Appendix 3D: Geophysical Survey Report Part 2, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.25 Technical Appendix 4: Flood Risk and Drainage Impact Assessment, dated 7 January 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.25.1 Appendix 4A: Figures

CD1.26 Construction Traffic Management Plan, dated 18 August 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.26.1 Proposed Haul Route Figure 5.1 (Drawing Number NEO00763/034I/A), dated 17 November 2021, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.26.2 Swept Path Analysis (Drawing Number NEO00763_032I_A Rev A), dated 10 November 2021, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.26.3 Visibility Splay (Drawing Number NEO00763_001I_A Rev A), dated 7 May 2021, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.27 Assessment of Acoustic Impact for the Proposed Kingston Solar Farm (Reference 04533-2749583), dated 6 December 2021, prepared by RES

CD1.28 Technical Appendix 7: Glint and Glare Assessment, dated 21 December 2021, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.28.1 Appendix 7A: Figures, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.28.2 Appendix 7B: Residential Receptor Glare (10 Deg), dated 8 November 2021, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.28.3 Appendix 7D: Road Receptor Glare (10 Deg), dated 8 November 2021, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.28.4 Appendix 7F: Aviation Receptor Glare (10 Deg), dated 8 September 2021, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.28.5 Appendix 7H: Rail Receptor Glare (10 Deg) dated 8 November 2021, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.28.6 Appendix 7J: Visibility Assessment Evidence, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.28.7 Appendix 7K: Solar Module Glare and Reflectance Technical Memo, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.29 Technical Appendix 8: Outline Construction Environmental Management Plan, dated 6 January 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.30 Agricultural Land Classification Survey Report, dated 21 December 2021, prepared by Land Research Associates

CD1.31 Technical Appendix 10: Arboricultural Impact Assessment, dated 21 December 2021, prepared by Treeplan Arboricultural Consultants

CD1.32 Technical Appendix 11: PROW Management Plan, dated 18 August 2023

CD1.33 Ecology Rebuttal, dated 15 June 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.34 Response to Concerns, dated 23 August 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.35 Green Belt Assessment, dated 7 December 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.36A LVA Addendum: Response to Rushcliffe Borough Council Landscape Review, dated 7 December 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.36B LVA Addendum: Response to Rushcliffe Borough Council Landscape Review, dated 9 February 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD1.37 Kingston Solar Farm Cumulative Map 


CD2 - Committee Report and Decision Notice

CD2.1 Committee Report

CD2.2 Decision Notice

CD2.3 Meeting Minutes

CD2.4 Meeting Agenda


CD3 - National Planning Policy, Guidance and Legislation

CD3.1A National Planning Policy Framework (December 2024)

CD3.2 National Planning Practice Guide (Electronic Version only)

CD3.3A National Policy Statement for Renewable Energy Infrastructure (EN-1) (Designated 2024)

CD3.4A National Policy Statement for Renewable Energy Infrastructure (EN-3) (Designated 2024)

CD3.5 Government Solar Strategy 2014

CD3.6 Written Ministerial Statement on Solar Energy: protecting the local and global environment (25 March 2015)

CD3.7 Commercial Renewable Energy Development and the Historic Environment Historic England Advice Note 15 (February 2021)

CD3.8 Climate Change Act 2008

CD3.9 Climate Change Act (2050 target amendment) Order 2019

CD3.10 Clean Growth Strategy published by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) (October 2017)

CD3.11 UK Parliament declaration of an Environmental and Climate Change Emergency (May 2019)

CD3.12 Energy White Paper: Powering our Net Zero Future (December 2020)

CD3.13 UK Government press release of acceleration of carbon reduction to 2035, (April 2021)

CD3.14 Extracts from ‘Digest of United Kingdom Energy Statistics' (July 2022)

CD3.15 UK Energy Statistics Press Release published by the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (June 2020)

CD3.16 'Achieving Net Zero' published by the National Audit Office (December 2020)

CD3.17 Net Zero Strategy: Build Back Greener (October 2021)

CD3.18 British Energy Security Strategy (April 2022)

CD3.19 The Government Food Strategy (June 2022)

CD3.20 Powering Up Britain Energy Security Strategy (March 2023)

CD3.21 Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment, Third Edition (2013)

CD3.22 An Approach to Landscape Character Assessment (2014)

CD3.23 An Approach to Landscape Sensitivity Assessment (2019)

CD3.24 Technical Guidance Note - Visual Representation of Development Proposals (2019)

CD3.25 Technical Guidance Note - Reviewing Landscape and Visual Impact Assessments (LVIAs) and Landscape and Visual Appraisals (LVAs) (2020)

CD3.26 Technical Guidance Note - Assessing Landscape Value Outside National Designations (2021)

CD3.27 Natural Capital Best Practice Guidance, Solar Energy UK (2022) 

CD3.28 National Character Area 74 Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire Wolds (2014)

CD3.29 East Midlands Landscape Character Assessment (2010)

CD3.30 Greater Nottingham Landscape Character Assessment (2008)

CD3.31 Rushcliffe Borough Council, Solar Farm Development Planning Guidance, (2022)

CD3.32 Melton and Rushcliffe Landscape Sensitivity Study: Wind Energy Development (2014)

CD3.33 Nottingham-Derby Green Belt Review (2006)

CD3.34 Rushcliffe Green Belt Review (2013)

CD3.35 Nottinghamshire Wolds - Regional Character Area


CD4 - The Development Plan, Local Policy and Guidance

CD4.1 Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 1: Core Strategy

CD4.2 Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 2: Land and Planning Policies

Supplementary Planning Guidance

CD4.3 The Gotham Neighbourhood Plan

CD4.4 The East Leake Neighbourhood Plan

CD4.5 Rushcliffe Borough Climate Change Strategy

CD4.6 Rushcliffe Borough Solar Farm Development Planning Guidance

CD4.7 No documents associated with this code


CD5 - Relevant Appeal Decisions and Case Law

CD5.1 Halloughton, Nottinghamshire APP/B3030/W/21/3279533 ("Halloughton"), solar farm and battery storage allowed on 18th February 2022

CD5.2 Langford, Devon APP/Y/1138/W/22/3293104 ("Langford"), solar farm and battery storage allowed by Secretary of State on 5th December 2022

CD5.3 Chelmsford, Essex APP/W1525/W/22/3300222 (“Chelmsford”), solar farm and battery storage, allowed on 6th February 2023

CD5.4 New Works Lane, Telford APP/C3240/W/22/3293667 (“Telford”), solar farm, allowed by Secretary of State on 27th March 2023

CD5.5 Land South of Monk Fryston Substation, Rawfield Lane, Monk Fryston, Selby APP/N2739/W/22/3290256 (“Monk Fryston Substation”), allowed 1st August 2022

CD5.6 Land West of Wolverhampton West Primary Substation, South Staffordshire Railway Walk, Wolverhampton, WV4 4XX APP/C3430/W/22/3292837 (“Wolverhampton West Primary Substation”), allowed 16th August 2022

CD5.7 Land south of Leeming Substation, west of the village of Scruton, bordering Fence Dike Lane, part of Low Street and Feltham Lane, DL7 0RG APP/G2713/W/23/3315877 (“Scruton”), allowed 27th June 2023

CD5.8 Land near to Bishops Itchington, Stratford on Avon, Warwickshire APP/J3720/W/22/3292579

CD5.9 Galloway V Durham County Council - [2024] EWHC 367 (Admin)

CD5.10 Land at Barton in Fabis, Nottingham, NG11 0HA - APP/P3040/W/23/3324608

CD5.11 Appeal Decision: Land at Crays Hall Farm, Church Lane, Crays Hill Appeal Ref: APP/V1505/W/23/3318171

CD5.12 Appeal Decision: Land at Sherbourne, Warwick Appeal Ref: APP/T3725/W/23/3317247

CD5.13 Appeal Decision: Little Heath Lane, Little Heath, Berkhamsted Appeal Ref; APP/A1910/W/23/3317818

CD5.14 Appeal Decision: Land at Cannon Barns Road, East Hanningfield Appeal Ref: APP/W1525/W/22/3300222

CD5.15 Appeal Decision: Land at Park Farm, Dunton Road, Herongate Appeal Ref: APP/V1505/W/22/3301454

CD5.16 Appeal Decision: Rawfield Lane, Fairbourne, Selby Appeal Ref: APP/N2739/W/22/330062

CD5.17 Bramley Solar Farm Residents Group v DLUHC and Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council [2023] EWHC 2842 (Admin)

CD5.18 Steeraway Farm, Wellington, Telford APP/C3240/W/3308481 (“Welington), solar farm, allowed 9th May 2023 

CD5.19 Land at Halse Road, south of Greatworth, Northamptonshire APP/W2845/W/23/3315771 (“Copse Lodge”), solar farm, allowed on 14th November 2023

CD5.20 Appeal Decision: Land at Graveley Lane, Hertfordshire Appeal Ref: APP/X1925/V/23/3323321


CD6 - Planning Application Consultation Responses

CD6.1A Conservation Officer dated 16.06.2022

CD6.1B Conservation Officer dated 29.06.2022

CD6.2 Nottinghamshire County Council Highways dated 24.02.2022

CD6.3 Environmental Health dated 04.04.2022

CD6.4A Nottinghamshire County Council Public Rights of Way dated 17.03.2022

CD6.4B Nottinghamshire County Council Public Rights of Way dated 12.04.2022

CD6.4C Nottinghamshire County Council Public Rights of Way dated 10.09.2022

CD6.5 Nottinghamshire Police Designing Out Crime Officer dated 02.02.2023

CD6.6 RBC Planning Policy and Associated Comments dated 06.04.2022

CD6.7 Trent Valley Internal Drainage Board dated 25.02.2022

CD6.8A Ecology and Sustainability Officer dated 10.03.2022

CD6.8B Ecology and Sustainability Officer dated 10.06.2022

CD6.9 Ramblers Association dated 15.03.2022

CD6.10 MAG East Midlands Airport dated 17.03.2022

CD6.11 Nottinghamshire County Council Planning Policy dated 31.05.2022

CD6.12 External Landscape Advisor dated October 2022

CD6.13 Nottinghamshire County Council Heritage dated 04.07.2022 (uploaded 15.02.2023)

CD6.14A West Leake Parish Council and Additional Comments date 01.04.2022

CD6.14B West Leake Parish Council 14.02.2023

CD6.15A East Leake Parish Council dated 24.03.2022

CD6.15B East Leake Parish Council dated 15.02.2023

CD6.16A Gotham Parish Council dated 15.03.2022

CD6.16B Gotham Parish Council dated 08.02.2023

CD6.17 Kingston Upon Soar Parish Council dated 22.03.2022

CD6.18 Sutton Bonington Parish Council dated 01.04.2022

CD6.19A Kevin Shaw on behalf of Cllr Shaw dated 16.03.2022

CD6.19B Kevin Shaw on behalf of Cllr Shaw dated 15.02.2023

CD6.20A Cllr Walker dated 28.03.2022

CD6.20B Cllr Walker dated 10.02.2023

CD6.21A Cllr Thomas dated 02.04.2022

CD6.21B Cllr Thomas dated 29.01.2023

CD6.21C Cllr Thomas dated 08.03.2023

CD6.22A Cllr Way dated 06.04.2022

CD6.22B Cllr Way dated 15.02.2023

CD6.23 Campaign for the Protection of Rural England (CPRE)

CD6.24 Access Field Officer East and West Midlands - British Horse Society

CD7 - Planning Appeal Documents

Appeal Administration

CD7.1  CD 7.1 Planning Appeal Form

CD7.2 - No documents associated with this code

CD7.3 - No documents associated with this code

CD7.4 - No documents associated with this code

CD7.5 - No documents associated with this code

Statements of Case

CD7.6 CD 7.6 Appellants Statements of Case

CD7.6A Appendix A: Rushcliffe Borough Council– Notice of Refusal

CD7.6B Appendix B: Landscape and Visual Appeal Report

CD7. 6B.1 Figure 1 ZTV - with Woodland Viewpoint 

CD7. 6B.2 Figure 2 - Bare Ground ZTV with % Visibility 

CD7. 6B.3 Figure 3 - Woodland ZTV with % Visibility 

CD7. 6B.4 Figure 4 - Proposed Vegetation/Mitigation ZTV with % Visibility 

CD7. 6B.5 Figure 5 - Viewpoint Location Map

CD7. 6B.6 Figure 6 - Viewpoint A (Viewpoint 2 from Original application)

CD7. 6B.7 Figure 7 - Viewpoint B (New for the use of this Study)

CD7.6B.8 Figure 8 - Viewpoint C (New for the use of this Study)

CD7.6B.9 Figure 9 - Viewpoint D (New for the use of this Study)

CD7.6B.10 Figure 10 - Viewpoint E (Viewpoint 8 from the original application)

CD7.6C Appendix C: Green Belt Assessment

CD7.6D Appendix D: Planners Report

CD7.6E Appendix E:Grid Capacity Analysis

CD7.6E.1 Updated Figure 3 of Appendix E

CD7 6F Appendix F: Field Numbers

CD7.7 CD 7.7 LPA Statements of Case

Statements of Common Ground

CD7.9 Statement of Common Ground

CD7.9A Conditions 

CD7.9B Conditions with Inspector, LPA & Appellant Comments

Proofs of Evidence

CD7.10 Appellants Planning Witness Proof of Evidence

CD7.10A Appellant Planning Witness Summary

CD7.10B Appellant planning Witness appendices

CD 7.10C Statutory Biodiversity Metric

CD7.11 Appellant Landscape Witness Proof of Evidence

CD7.11A Landscape Witness Summary

CD7.11B Landscape Witness Appendices

CD7.12 Proof of Evidence RBC

CD7.12A LPA Planning Witness Summary

Pubic Inquiry Documents

INQ 1 Council's Opening Submissions

INQ 2 Appellants Opening Submissions

INQ 3 Mr Mostyn - Public Speaker

INQ 4 Helen Hamilton - Public Speaker

INQ 5 Carly Tinkler - Public Speaker

INQ 6 Cllr Thomas - Public Speaker

INQ 7 Thomas Griffiths - Public Speaker 

INQ 8 Extract of Proof of Evidence from Thorton Public Inquiry 

INQ 9 Written statements - Written questions, answers and statements - UK Parliament

INQ 10 Councils Closing Submissions 

INQ 11 Appellants Closing Submissions