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Longhedge Planning Inquiry

Longhedge Planning Inquiry 2024 

Site: Land east of Hawksworth and, northwest of Thoroton, Thoroton 


Planning inspectorate reference: APP/P3040/W/23/3330045 

Rushcliffe Borough Council reference: 22/02241/FUL 

The planning appeal inquiry will take place on Monday 10 June 2024 opening at 10am. Scheduled for six sitting days and will be held at Rushcliffe Arena, Rugby Road, West Bridgford, NG2 7YG.

Site Visit is taking place on Monday 17 June, meeting at Hawksworth Church at 9.30 am. The Itinerary will be confirmed then.

CD 0 - Inquiry Timetable 9am start on Friday June 14

CD 0.1 - Agenda for Landscape Round Table discussion 

PLEASE NOTE The Inquiry programme will need to be flexible and interested persons should contact Emily Greenwood of Rushcliffe Borough Council on 0115 9148513 or via email for the latest position regarding timetabling for witnesses.


CD1 - Application Documents and Plans

CD2 - Delegated Report and Decision Notice

CD3 - National Planning Policy, Guidance and Legislation

CD4 - The Development Plan, Local Policy and Guidance

CD5 - Relevant Appeal Decisions and Case Law

CD6 - Planning Application Consultation Responses

CD7 - Planning Appeal Documents

CD8 - Heritage

CD9 - Rule 6 Planning Witness Proof of Evidence



CD1 - Application Documents and Plans

CD 1.1 Application Form, dated 30 November 2022

CD 1.2 Design and Access Statement, dated 30 November 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD 1.3 Planning Statement, dated 30 November 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD 1.4 Statement of Community Involvement, prepared by RES

CD 1.5 Site Location Plan (Drawing Number 04668-RES-LAY-DR-PT-001 Rev 4), prepared by RES

CD 1.6 Site Location Map (Drawing Number 04668-RES-LAY-DR-PT-002 Rev 4), prepared by RES

CD 1.7 Field Numbers (Drawing Number NEO00782/002I/B), dated 25 August 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD 1.8 Infrastructure Layout (Drawing Number 04668-RES-LAY-DR-PT-004 Rev 6), prepared by RES

CD 1.9 Infrastructure Layout (Drawing Number 04668-RES-LAY-DR-PT-005 Rev  6), prepared by RES

CD 1.10 Typical Access Track Detail (Drawing Number 04668-RES-ACC-DR-PT-001 Rev 01), prepared by RES

CD 1.11 Typical Temporary Construction Compound Layout (Drawing Number 04668-RES-CTN-DR-PT-001 Rev 1), prepared by RES

CD 1.12 Typical PV Module and Rack Detail (Drawing Number 04668-RES-SOL-DR-PT-001 Rev 3), prepared by RES

CD 1.13 Typical Security Fence Detail (Drawing Number 04668-RES-SEC-DR-PT-001 Rev 1), prepared by RES

CD 1.14 Typical Security CCTV Detail (Drawing Number 04668-RES-SEC-DR-PT-002 Rev 1), prepared by RES

CD 1.15 Typical Inverter Substation (Drawing Number 04668-RES-SUB-DR-PT-002 Rev 1), prepared by RES

CD 1.16 Client/DNO Substation Plan & Elevation Option 1 (Drawing Number 04668-RES-SUB-DR-PT-001  Rev 02), prepared by RES

CD 1.17 Client/DNO Substation Plan & Elevation Option 2 (Drawing Number 04668-RES-SUB-DR-PT-003  Rev 02), prepared by RES

CD 1.18 Typical Deer Fence (Drawing Number 04668-RES-SEC-DR-PT-003 Rev 1), prepared by RES

CD 1.19 Sheel Handling System D Plus (Part No. 1000349 Rev A), dated 15 November 2029, prepared by IAE

CD 1.20 Indicative Access Track Detail with Bridleway Crossing (Drawing Number NEO00782_027I_B Rev B), dated 29 November 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD 1.21 Technical Appendix 1: Landscape and Visual Assessment, dated 30 November 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD 1.21.1 Landscape Character Areas Figure 1.1 (Drawing Number NEO00782/007I/A), dated 5 July 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited (illustrative figures/plans)

CD 1.21.2 Landscape Designations Figure 1.2 (Drawing Number NEO00782/008I/B), dated 30 August 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited (illustrative figures/plans)

CD 1.21.3 Viewpoint Locations with ZTV Figure 1.3 (Drawing Number NEO00782/014I/B), dated 25 August 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited (illustrative figures/plans)

CD 1.21.4 Viewpoint 1 and Viewpoint 2 Figure 1.4 (Drawing Number NEO00782/010I/A), dated 13 July 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited (Representative/Selected Viewpoints)


CD 1.21.5 Viewpoint 3 and Viewpoint 4 Figure 1.5 (Drawing Number NEO00782/011I/A), dated 13 July 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited (Representative/Selected Viewpoints)


CD 1.21.6 Viewpoint 5 and Viewpoint 6 Figure 1.6 (Drawing Number NEO00668/012I/A), dated 13 July 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited (Representative/Selected Viewpoints)

CD 1.21.7 Viewpoint 7 and Viewpoint 8 Figure 1.7 (Drawing Number NEO00782/013I/A), dated 13 July 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited (Representative/Selected Viewpoints)

CD 1.21.8 Viewpoint 1 Years 1 and 10 Figure 1.8, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited (Photomontages)

CD 1.21.9 Viewpoint 4 Years 1 and 10 Figure 1.9, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited (Photomontages)

CD 1.21.10 Viewpoint 5 Years 1 and 10 Figure 1.10, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited (Photomontages)

CD 1.21.11 Viewpoint 6 Years 1 and 10 Figure 1.11, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited (Photomontages)

CD 1.21.12 Landscape and Ecological Management Plan, 25 November 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD 1.21.13 Appendix 1D: Illustrative Viewpoints A-B Photo Panels, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited (Context Views) 

CD 1.22 Technical Appendix 2: Ecological Appraisal, dated 30 November 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD 1.22.1 Environmental Designations Map Figure 2.1 (Drawing Number NEO000782/005I/C), dated 15 September 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD 1.22.2 UK Habitat Classification Map Figure 2.2 (Drawing Number NEO000782/018I/C), dated 15 September 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD 1.22.3 Pond Map Figure 2.3 (Drawing Number NEO000782/009I/B), dated 15 September 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD 1.22.4 Local Wildlife Sites Figure 2.4, prepared by Nottingham City Council

CD 1.22.5 Appendix 2.1: Biodiversity Management Plan, dated 30 November 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD 1.22.6 Appendix 2.2 Net Gain Assessment, dated 30 November 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD 1.22.7 Appendix 2.3 Bird Hazard Management Plan, dated 30 November 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD 1.23 Technical Appendix 3: Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment, dated 30 November 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD 1.23.1 Designated Heritage Assets Figure 3.1 (Drawing Number NEO00782/005I/C), dated 7 September 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD 1.23.2 Historic Environment Record Figure 3.2 (Drawing Number NEO00782/004I/C), dated 7 September 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD 1.23.3 Henry Stevens 1820 Map of Newark-on-Trent (OSD 276) Figure 3.3 (Drawing Number NEO00782/015I/A), dated 7 September 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD 1.23.4 OS 1883 Map Figure 3.4 (Drawing Number NEO00782/016I/B), dated 7 September 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD 1.23.5 OS 1921 Map Figure 3.5 (Drawing Number NEO00782/017I/A), dated 7 September 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD 1.23.6 Lidar Data (1m DTM) Figure 3.6 (Drawing Number NEO00782/006I/C), dated 7 September 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD 1.23.7 Appendix 3B – Tables, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD 1.23.8 Appendix 3C – Walkover Survey Report, prepared by York Archaeology 

CD 1.23.9 Appendix 3D - Geophysical Survey Report, dated 14 April 2022, prepared by Headland Archaeology 

CD 1.24 Technical Appendix 4: Flood Risk and Drainage Impact Assessment, dated 30 November 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD 1.24.1 Appendix 4A: Figures, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited 

CD 1.24.2 Appendix 4B: Hydrology Photos, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD 1.24.3 Appendix 4D – Flow Report (Solar Farm), dated 17 August 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD 1.24.4 Appendix 4C – Flow Report (Substation), dated 17 August 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD 1.24.5 Appendix 4E – BRE Infiltration Report, dated June 2022, prepared by Your Environment 

CD 1.24.6 Appendix 4F – Outline SuDS Designs (Drawing Number NEO00782_022I_B Rev B), dated 25 November 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD 1.24.7 Appendix 4G – Foul Drainage Assessment Form dated 23 September 2022

CD 1.25 Technical Appendix 5: Construction Traffic Management Plan, dated 2 March 2023, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD 1.25.1 Appendix 5 Figures 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD 1.26 Technical Appendix 6: Glint and Glare Assessment, dated 30 November 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD 1.26.1 Appendix 6 Figures 

CD 1.26.2 Appendix 6B - Residential Receptor Glare Results (10 degrees), dated 8 October 2022, Appendix 6C - Residential Receptor Glare Results (30 degrees), dated 8 October 2022, Appendix 6D - Road Receptor Glare Results (10 degrees), dated 8 October 2022, Appendix 6E - Road Receptor Glare Results (30 degrees), dated 8 October 2022, Appendix 6F - Aviation Receptor Glare Results (10 degrees), dated 8 October 2022, Appendix 6G - Aviation Receptor Glare Results (30 degrees), dated 8 October 2022, Appendix 6H - Visibility Assessment Evidence, Appendix 6I - Ground Elevation Profile and Appendix 6J - Solar Module Glare and Reflectance Technical Memo, dated 29 September 2009

CD 1.27 Technical Appendix 7: Acoustic Impact Assessment of the Proposed Longhedge Solar Farm, dated 17 May 2022, prepared by RES

CD 1.28 Technical Appendix 8: Outline Construction Environmental Management Plan, dated 25 August 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited

CD 1.29 Technical Appendix 9: Agricultural Quality of Land, dated 30 November 2022, prepared by Land Research Associates 

CD 1.29.1  Appendices: Details of Observations

Maps, dated 12 September 2022 prepared by Land Research Associates Selected droughtiness calculations

Laboratory analysis, dated 16 February 2022, prepared by NRM Laboratories 

CD 1.30 Technical Appendix 10: Arboricultural Impact Assessment, dated 30 November 2022, prepared by Neo Environmental Limited  


Appendix 10A – Figure 10A.1 Tree Survey Schedule and BS5837:2012 Table 1, survey dates 26 & 28 January 2022

Appendix 10A – Figure 10A.2 Tree Impact Plans (1-3), August 2022 Appendix 10A – Figure 10A.3 Temporary Fencing Specification, prepared by Rowland Tree Consultancy

Appendix 10A – Figure 10A.4 Manufacturer’s Brochure for Cellular Confinement System, prepared by Geosystems

Appendix 10B – Disclaimer


CD2 - Delegated Report and Decision Notice

CD 2.1 Officers Delegated Report

CD 2.2 Decision Notice


CD3 - National Planning Policy, Guidance and Legislation

CD 3.1 National Planning Policy Framework (December 2024)

CD 3.2 National Planning Practice Guide (Electronic Version only)

CD 3.3 National Policy Statement for Renewable Energy Infrastructure (EN-1) (Designated 2024)

CD 3.4 National Policy Statement for Renewable Energy Infrastructure (EN-3) (Designated 2024)

CD 3.5 UK Government Solar Strategy 2014

CD 3.6 Written Ministerial Statement on Solar Energy: protecting the local and global environment (25 March 2015)

CD 3.7 Commercial Renewable Energy Development and the Historic Environment Historic England Advice Note 15 (February 2021)

CD 3.8 Climate Change Act 2008

CD 3.9 Climate Change Act (2050 target amendment) Order 2019

CD 3.10 Clean Growth Strategy published by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) (October 2017)

CD 3.11 UK Parliament declaration of an Environmental and Climate Change Emergency (May 2019)

CD 3.12 Energy White Paper: Powering our Net Zero Future (December 2020)

CD 3.13 UK Government press release of acceleration of carbon reduction to 2035, (April 2021)

CD 3.14 Extracts from ‘'Digest of United Kingdom Energy Statistics' (July 2022)

CD 3.15 UK Energy Statistics Press Release published by the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (June 2020)

CD 3.16 'Achieving Net Zero' published by the National Audit Office (December 2020)

CD 3.17 Net Zero Strategy: Build Back Greener (October 2021)

CD 3.18 British Energy Security Strategy (April 2022) 

CD 3.19 The Government Food Strategy (June 2022)

CD 3.20 Powering Up Britain Energy Security Strategy (March 2023)

CD 3.21 Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment, Third Edition (2013)

CD 3.22 An Approach to Landscape Character Assessment (2014)

CD 3.23 An Approach to Landscape Sensitivity Assessment (2019)

CD 3.24 Technical Guidance Note - Visual Representation of Development Proposals (2019)

CD 3.25 Technical Guidance Note - Reviewing Landscape and Visual Impact Assessments (LVIAs) and Landscape and Visual Appraisals (LVAs) (2020)

CD 3.26 Technical Guidance Note - Assessing Landscape Value Outside National Designations (2021)

CD 3.27 Natural Capital Best Practice Guidance, Solar Energy UK (2022)

CD 3.28 National Character Area 48: Trent and Belvoir Vales (2013)

CD 3.29 East Midlands Landscape Character Assessment (2010) 

CD 3.30 Greater Nottingham Landscape Character Assessment (2008)

CD 3.31 Rushcliffe Borough Council, Solar Farm Development Planning Guidance, (2022)

CD 3.32 Melton and Rushcliffe Landscape Sensitivity Study: Wind Energy Development (2014) – Part 1

CD 3.32.1 Melton and Rushcliffe Landscape Sensitivity Study: Wind Energy Development (2014) – Part 2

CD 3.32.2 Melton and Rushcliffe Landscape Sensitivity Study: Wind Energy Development (2014) – Part 3

CD 3.32.3 Melton and Rushcliffe Landscape Sensitivity Study: Wind Energy Development (2014) – Part 4

CD 3.33 Nottingham-Derby Green Belt Review (2006)

CD 3.34 Rushcliffe Green Belt Review (2013)

CD 3.5 Historic Environment Good Practice Advice in Planning Note 2: Managing Significance in Decision Taking in the Historic Environment (Historic England)

CD 3.6 Historic Environment Good Practice Advice in Planning Note 3: The Setting of Heritage Assets (Second Edition) (Historic England)

CD 3.37 Conservation Principles: Polices and Guidance for the Sustainable Management of the Historic Environment (Historic England)

CD 3.38 Statements of Heritage Significance, Analysing Significance in Heritage Assets, Historic England Advice Note 12

CD 3.39 2019 Conservation Area Appraisal, Designation and Management Second edition, Historic England Advice Note 1

CD 3.40 Carbon Budget Delivery Plan

CD 3.41 Progress In Reducing Emissions 2023

CD 3.42 Paris Agreement United Nations Framework Convention on Climate

CD 3.43 IPCC Press Release August 2021

CD 3.44 Climate Change 2022 - Working Group II Contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report

CD 3.45 IPCC Climate Change 2022 - Mitigation of Climate Change

CD 3.46 IPCC Climate Change 2023 Synthesis Report

CD 3.47 The Sixth Carbon Budget December 2020

CD 3.48 BIES Outcome Delivery Plan 2021 2022

CD 3.49 The Ten Point Plan For A Green Industrial Revolution

CD 3.50 Industrial Decarbonisation Strategy March 2021

CD 3.51 MWS Solar & Protecting our Food Security and Best and Most Versatile (BMV) Land - May 2024

CD 3.52  Digest of UK Energy Statistics Chapter 6: Renewable Sources of Energy (2023) 

CD 3.53 Department of Energy Security and Net Zero: Solar Photovoltaics Deployment in the UK (April 2024)

CD 3.54 Letter from the Minister for Energy security and net zero on the interpretation of Energy Policy Statement EN-3

CD 3.55 The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 (Extract from Schedule 4)


CD4 - The Development Plan, Local Policy and Guidance

CD 4.1 Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 1: Core Strategy

CD 4.2 Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 2: Land and Planning Policies

Supplementary Planning Guidance

CD 4.3 Rushcliffe Borough Climate Change Strategy

CD 4.4 Rushcliffe Borough Solar Farm Development Planning Guidance


CD5 - Relevant Appeal Decisions and Case Law

CD 5.1 Halloughton, Nottinghamshire APP/B3030/W/21/3279533 ("Halloughton"), solar farm and battery storage allowed on 18th February 2022

CD 5.2 Langford, Devon APP/Y/1138/W/22/3293104 ("Langford"), solar farm and battery storage allowed by Secretary of State on 5 December 2022

CD 5.3 Chelmsford, Essex APP/W1525/W/22/3300222 (“Chelmsford”), solar farm and battery storage, allowed on 6 February 2023

CD 5.4 New Works Lane, Telford APP/C3240/W/22/3293667 (“Telford”), solar farm, allowed by Secretary of State on 27 March 2023

CD 5.5 Land South of Monk Fryston Substation, Rawfield Lane, Monk Fryston, Selby APP/N2739/W/22/3290256 (“Monk Fryston Substation”), allowed 1 August 2022

CD 5.6 Land West of Wolverhampton West Primary Substation, South Staffordshire Railway Walk, Wolverhampton, WV4 4XX APP/C3430/W/22/3292837 (“Wolverhampton West Primary Substation”), allowed 16 August 2022

CD 5.7 Land south of Leeming Substation, west of the village of Scruton, bordering Fence Dike Lane, part of Low Street and Feltham Lane, DL7 0RG. APP/G2713/W/23/3315877 (“Scruton”), allowed 27 June 2023

CD 5.8 Land near to Bishops Itchington, Stratford on Avon, Warwickshire APP/J3720/W/22/3292579

CD 5.9 Galloway V Durham County Council - [2024] EWHC 367 (Admin)

CD 5.10 Land at Barton in Fabis, Nottingham, NG11 0HA - APP/P3040/W/23/3324608

CD 5.11 Appeal Decision: Land at Crays Hall Farm, Church Lane, Crays Hill Appeal Ref: APP/V1505/W/23/3318171

CD 5.12 Appeal Decision: Land at Sherbourne, Warwick. Appeal Ref: APP/T3725/W/23/3317247

CD 5.13 Appeal Decision: Little Heath Lane, Little Heath, Berkhamsted. Appeal Ref; APP/A1910/W/23/3317818

CD 5.14 Appeal Decision: Land at Cannon Barns Road, East Hanningfield. Appeal Ref: APP/W1525/W/22/3300222

CD 5.15 Appeal Decision: Land at Park Farm, Dunton Road, Herongate. Appeal Ref: APP/V1505/W/22/3301454

CD 5.16 Appeal Decision: Rawfield Lane, Fairbourne, Selby. Appeal Ref: APP/N2739/W/22/3300623

CD 5.17 Bramley Solar Farm Residents Group v DLUHC and Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council [2023] EWHC 2842 (Admin)

CD 5.18 Steeraway Farm, Wellington, Telford APP/C3240/W/3308481 (“Welington), solar farm, allowed 9 May 2023

CD 5.19 Land at Halse Road, south of Greatworth, Northamptonshire APP/W2845/W/23/3315771 (“Copse Lodge”), solar farm, allowed on 14 November 2023

CD 5.20 Appeal Decision: Land at Graveley Lane, Hertfordshire. Appeal Ref: APP/X1925/V/23/3323321

CD 5.21 Catesby Estates ltd v. Steer [2018] EWCA Civ 1697

CD 5.22 Bedford Council v Secretary of State and Nuon Ltd [2013] EWHC 2847 (Admin)

CD 5.23 Palmer v Herefordshire Council Anr, EWCA Civ 1061 [2016]

CD 5.24 Jones v. Mordue and Secretary of State and South Northamptonshire Council, EWCA Civ 1243 (2015)

CD 5.25 Barnwell v. East Northamptonshire DC, English Heritage, National Trust and Secretary of State, EWCA Civ 137 (2014) 

CD 5.26 The Queen (on the application of The Forge Field Society, Martin Barraud, and Robert Rees v. Sevenoaks DC, EWHC 1895 (Admin) (2014)

CD 5.27 Land to South of Marsh Farm, Fobbing Appeal allowed 22.03.2024 APP/M1595/W/23/3328712

CD 5.28 Land west of Thaxted, Cutlers Green Lane, Thaxted Appeal allowed 18.12.2023 APP/C1570/W/23/3319421

CD 5.29 Land north of Crown Road, Marnhull, Dorset. Appeal allowed 01.07.2022 APP/D1265/W/21/3289314

CD 5.30 Low Carbon Solar Park 6 Ltd v SoSLUHC and Uttlesford DC [2024] EWHC 770 (Admin)

CD 5.31 Pugh v SoSSCLG [2015] EWHC3 (Admin)

CD 5.32 Faherty Case


CD6 - Planning Application Consultation Responses

CD 6.1A Nottinghamshire County Council Archaeology dated 20.12.2022

CD 6.1B Nottinghamshire County Council Archaeology dated 11.04.2024

CD 6.1C Nottinghamshire County Council Archaeology dated 11.04.2024

CD 6.2 Cllr Sarah Bailey dated 17.03.2023

CD 6.3A Nottinghamshire County Council Highways dated 08.02.2023

CD 6.3B Nottinghamshire County Council Highways dated 30.03.2023

CD 6.4 Orston Parish Council dated 26.01.2023

CD 6.5 Thoroton Parish and Hawksworth Parish dated 24.01.2023

CD 6.6 Cllr Susan Barker dated 23.01.2023

CD 6.7A Environment Agency dated 05.01.2023

CD 6.7B NCC Highways dated 19.01.2023

CD 6.8 Notts Area Ramblers dated 13.01.2023

CD 6.9 Senior Environmental Health Officer dated 13.01.2023

CD 6.10 Hawksworth Parish dated 10.01.2023

CD 6.11 Newark and Sherwood District Council dated 06.01.2023

CD 6.12 Nottinghamshire County Council Flood Risk 19.12.2022

CD 6.13 Conservation Officer Response dated 06.03.2023

CD 6.14 External Landscape Advisor dated 17.03.2023

CD 6.15 Nottinghamshire Police dated 27.02.2023

CD 6.16A National Highways dated 01.02.2023

CD 6.16B National Highways dated 15.12.2022

CD 6.17A Highways Additional Information dated 25.01.2023

CD 6.17B Highways Additional Information dated 25.01.2023

CD 6.18A RBC Ecology & Sustainability Officer dated 25.01.2023

CD 6.18B RBC Ecology & Sustainability Officer dated 04.01.2023

CD 6.19A Natural England dated 23.01.2023

CD 6.19B Natural England dated 23.01.2023

CD 6.20 Trent Valley Internal Drainage Board dated 11.01.2023

CD 6.21 Nottinghamshire County Council Planning dated 09.01.2023

CD 6.22 Nottinghamshire County Council Rights of Way dated 09.01.2023

CD 6.23 Ministry of Defence dated 23.12.2022


CD7 - Planning Appeal Documents

Appeal Administration

CD 7.1 Planning Appeal Form

CD 7.2 Post Conference Note

CD 7.3 

CD 7.4 


CD 7.5 List of Additional Plan, Drawings or Documents Relating to the Appeal - Please note the statement will be discussed at the opening of the Inquiry and that following this discussion the inspector will decided how to proceed. 

CD 7.5.1 Amended Scheme Statement 

CD 7.5.2 Comparison between scheme A & B Appx 1 - P24-0105_EN_16 

CD 7.5.3 Landscape Masterplan (Appeal) Appx2

CD 7.5.4 Example Letter Appx3

CD 7.5.5 Updated Site Plan Appx4

CD 7.5.6 RBC appeal notification List Appx5 

CD 7.5.7 Longhedge Solar Farm Capacity Note

Statements of Case

CD 7.6 Appellant Statement of Case

CD 7.6.1 Appellant Additional Statement of case

CD 7.6A Appellants Statement of Case Appendix A - Pre App 

CD 7.6B  Appellants Statement of Case Appendix B - Refusal Notice

CD 7.6C Appellants Statement of Case Appendix C - Field Number Drawings

CD 7.6D Appellant Statement of Case Appendix D - Updated Planning Drawings

CD 7.6D.1 Appendix D - Figure 4 updated layout (A3)

CD 7.6D.2 Appendix D - Figure 5A updated (A1)

CD 7.6D.3 Appendix D - Figure 5B updated (A1)

CD 7.6D.4 Appendix D - Figure 5C updated (A1)

CD 7.6D.5 Appendix D - Figure 5D updated (A1)

CD 7.6D.6 Appendix D - Figure 5E updated (A1)

CD 7.6D.7 Appendix D - Figure 5F updated (A1)

CD 7.6E Appellant Statement of Case Appendix E - WSI

CD 7.6F Appellant Statement of Case Appendix F - LVAR final

CD 7.6F.1 Appellant Statement of Case Appendix F1 - Cover sheet

CD 7.6F.1a Appendix F1 - Figure 1 - ZTV with Visual Barriers

CD 7.6F.1b Appendix F1 Figure 2 - ZTV with Bare Ground Percentage

CD 7.6F.1c Appendix F1 - Figure 3 - ZTV with Woodland Percentages

CD 7.6F.1d Appendix F1 - Figure 4 - ZTV with Mitigation

CD 7.6F.1e Appendix F1 - Figure 5 - VP locations with ZTV

CD 7.6F.1f Appendix F1 - Figure 6 - VPS A & B Red

CD 7.6F.1g Appendix F1 - Figure 7 - VPS C & D Red

CD 7.6F.1h Appendix F1 - Figure 8 - VPS E & F Red

CD 7.6F.1i Appendix F1 - Figure 9 - VP G

CD 7.6F.1j Appendix F1 - Figure 10 - Viewpoint F PM

CD 7.6F.1k Appendix F1- Figure 11 - Viewpoint G PM Red

CD 7.6F1l Appendix F1 - Figure 12 - Lemp Overall

CD 7.6F.1m Appendix F1 - Figure 12A - Substation layout option 1

CD 7.6F.1n Appendix F1 - Figure 12B - Lemp Sheet 2

CD 7.6F.1o Appendix F1 - Figure 12C - Substation layout option 2

CD 7.6F.1p Appendix F1 - Figure 12D - Lemp Sheet 3

CD 7.6F.1q Appendix F1 - Figure 12E - Lemp Sheet 4

CD 7.6F.1r Appendix F1 - Figure 13 - Permissive Path Section

CD 7.6F.2 Appendix F2 NGA Final

CD 7.6G Appellants Statement of Case Appendix G - Cultural Heritage Addendum

CD 7.6.G1 Appendix G1 - Plates

CD 7.6.G2 Appendix G - G2 - Figure 1 Photolocations 

CD 7.6.G3 Appendix G - G2 - Biodiversity Metric 3.0 Calculations v1

CD 7.7 LPA Statement of Case

CD 7.8 Rule 6 Statement of Case

CD 7.8.1 Rule 6 Appendix 1

CD 7.8.2 Rule 6 Appendix 2

CD 7.8.3 Rule 6 Appendix 3

CD 7.8.4 Rule 6 Appendix 4

Statements of Common Ground

CD 7.9 Statement of Common Ground with LPA

CD 7.9A Conditions for Round Table Discussion 

CD 7.9B Statement of Common Ground with Rule 6

CD 7.9C Landscape Statement of Common Ground with LPA

CD 7.9C.1 LSoCG Appendix 1 - Scott Summary Schedule of Visual Effects - Appellant  Rule 6 and LPA

CD 7.9D Landscape Statement of Common Ground with Rule 6

CD 7.9D.1 LSoCG Appendix 1 - Scott Summary Schedule of Visual Effects - Appellant  Rule 6 and LPA

Cd 7.9E Heritage Statement of Common Ground Appellant, Rule 6 & LPA

Proofs of Evidence

CD 7.10 Appellant Planning Witness Proof of Evidence

CD 7.10.1 Appellant Panning Proof Summary

CD 7.10.2 Appellant Planning Proof Appendices

CD 7.11 Appellant Landscape Witness Proof of Evidence

CD 7.11.1 Appellant Landscape Proof Summary

CD 7.11.2 Appellant Landscape Proof Appendices

CD 7.12 Appellant Heritage Proof of Evidence, Summary & Appendices

CD 7.13 LPA Planning Witness Proof of Evidence

CD 7.13.1 LPA Planning Proof Summary

CD 7.14 LPA Landscape Witness Proof of Evidence 

CD 7.14.1 LPA Landscape Proof Summary

CD 7.15 LPA Heritage Proof of Evidence 

CD 7.15.1 LPA Heritage Proof Summary

CD 7.16 Rule 6 Planning Witness Proof of Evidence

CD 7.16.1 Rule 6 Planning Witness Proof Appendices

CD 7.17 Rule 6 Landscape Witness Proof of Evidence

CD 7.17.1 Rule 6 Landscape Appendix CT-A Cycling & Running Routes

CD 7.17.2 Rule 6 Landscape Appendix CT-B Horsiculture 

CD 7.17.3 Rule 6 Landscape Appendix CT-C Landscape Viewpoints 

CD 7.16.4 Rule 6 Landscape Appendix CT-E Construction Route Constraints 

CD 7.16.5 Rule 6 Landscape Appendix CT-F Hawksworth Corner Sketch

CD 7.16.6 Rule 6 Landscape Appendix CT-G Friends of Gwent Letter 

CD 7.16.7 Rule 6 Landscape Appendix CT-H Welsh Government Solar Soil Impacts Report


CD8 - Heritage

CD 8.1 Hawksworth Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan September 2022 (Rushcliffe Borough Council)

CD 8.2 Thoroton Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan September 2022 (Rushcliffe Borough Council)

CD 8.3 DRAFT Hawksworth Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan September 2022

CD 8.4 February 2010 Hawksworth Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan 


CD9 - Rule 6 Soil Witness Core Documents 

CD 9.1 The revised Guidelines for Agricultural Land Classification (MAFF 1988)

CD9.2 Natural England Guidance Note TIN049

CD9.3 ADAS /Welsh Government Report ( at para 7.6 of appellants  proof)

CD9.4 Natural England Technical Information Note 66 (at Para 7.7 of appellants proof)

CD10 - Rule 6 Party & Appellants Rebuttals 

CD 10.1 R6P Rebuttal & Appendix - S Franklin 

CD 10.2 R6P Rebuttal on Capacity 

CD 10.2A Appendix 1 - Ministerial response

CD 10.2B Appendix 2 - Connections Reform - Phase 3 Update 

CD 10.2C Appendix 3 - National Grid Guide to Electricity Connections

CD 10.3 Appellants Rebuttal - Ecology 

CD 10.4 Appellants Rebuttal - R6P Agricultural Evidence 

CD 10.5 Appellants Rebuttal to RBC ALC Evidence

Pubic Inquiry Documents

INQ 1 Appellants Opening Submission 

INQ 2 LPA Opening Submission 

INQ 3 Rule 6 Opening Submission 

INQ 4  Note On Connection To National Grid dated 10th June

INQ 4.1 Drawings - Figure 12A

INQ 4.2 Drawings - Figure 12B

INQ 5 Cllr Grocock Statement 

INQ 6 Mr Peter Purdy - Public Speaker 

INQ 7 Mr Chris Clayton - Public Speaker

INQ 8 Kate Storey - Public Speaker

INQ 9 Peter Hunt - Public Speaker 

INQ 10 Fiona Barton - Public Speaker 

INQ 11 Mrs Jane Clayton - Public Speaker

INQ 12 Statement of Common Ground Rule 6

INQ 13 Grid Capacity Analysis by NEO Environmental  

INQ 14 Jane Haskell - Public Speaker 

INQ 15 Colin Warburton - Public Speaker 

INQ 16 Alistair Henderson - Photographs 

INQ 17 Andrew Matthias - Written Statement 

INQ 18 Neil Smith - Statement 

INQ 19 Car Colston Parish Statement 

INQ 20.1 Historic Map - 1820/Masterplan

INQ 20.2 Historic Map 1883

INQ 21 Comparison Note Heritage Assets Document Neo Environmental/Ms Garcia  

INQ 22 Western Power Offer Letter dated 7th September 2020

INQ 23.1 Lynn Ross - Public Speaker 

INQ 23.2 ALC Grades 

INQ 24.1 Greg Stevens - Statement  

INQ 24.2 Solar and Protecting our Food Security and Best and Most Versatile (BMV) Land

INQ 25 Fencing Non-material Amendment - APP/P3040/W/23/3330045

INQ 26 Solar Fencing Insurance Requirements Marsh Commercial

INQ 27 Western Power Distribution- 132kV GCS0019

INQ 28 Western Power Distribution- 132kV GCS0020

INQ 29 Staythorpe GSP slide

INQ 30 National Grid - Appendix G Information

INQ 31 Electricity Line Consenting (Burges Salmon)

INQ 32 Longhedge Site Constraints

INQ 33 Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) Statistics 

INQ 34 Mrs Jennifer Hollingshead - Public Speaker 

INQ 35.1  Inspectors Inquiry Note - 14th June  and without-prejudice questions about overplanting

INQ 35.2 Suffix A - Further Inquiry Note Prepared by the Inspector - 17th June 2024

INQ 35.2 Suffix B - Site Visit Itinerary Plan

INQ 35.3 Inspectors Inquiry Note - 25th June 2024 - Questions on Conditions 

INQ 36.1 Note on Anaerobic Digestion by Mr Kernon dated 19th June 

INQ 36.2 Appendix email from Future Biogas

INQ 37.1 Staythorpe Grid Supply Point - Explanatory Note 

INQ 37.2 Flexibility Connections: Explainer and Q&A August 2021 by Energy Network Association 

INQ 38.1 ZTV Existing Pylon

INQ 38.2 ZTV Option 1

INQ 38.3 ZTV Option 2 

INQ 39.1 Figure 3a - Viewpoint 6 PM (Option 1)

INQ 39.2 Figure 3b - Viewpoint 6 PM (Option 2)

INQ 40 Longhedge DC Sizing Breakdown Note - Mr Arbani 

Legal Judgements 

J1 The King (on the application of Ashchurch Rural Parish Council) v Tewksbury Borough Council

J2 Mead Realisations Ltd v Secretary of State for Levelling Up Housing and Communities

J3 Choiceplace Properties Ltd v Secretary of State for Housing Communities and Local Government

J4 Bramshill Judgement